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Di 11 Mär

Company profile

Calendar with character

A calendar stands for structure and planning and shows the way through the year. Every office needs one  –  it's highly visible and filled with important appointments. So it's the ideal place to position a message that will make your customers remember you.

That's where we come in: whether its a monthly calendar, poster calendar, appointment calendar, desk calendar or photo calendar – our advertising materials put the focus on your company.

At our online shop you can order print runs of up to 2000 units quickly and easily with calculated prices. There you will find ready-made wall, desk or pocket calendar models, which you can complete with your advertising message. Sophisticated calendars with various language, colour and size options leave you room to make decisions based on your personal ideas. Varius Select  –  this calendar is tailored to your needs, allowing you to decide which languages, country codes and colours will be included in the calendar. Take your time browsing.

Our company as a partner

As a production partner for agencies and publishing companies, we offer large volumes of calendars and advertising materials specially tailored to your needs, from the initial idea through to the final result. We also work with you as a partner for post-processing of calendars. Whether it's providing book binding products or processing printed sheets for completed calendar products, there are many ways we can support you in your production. You can find detailed examples under Specialised Calendars.

We are constantly refining our products to meet the aesthetic and functional requirements placed on calendars. Every detail is important and makes the calendar as a whole successful as an advertising tool, starting with a clearly arranged calendar and ending with efficient packaging technology. Get in touch with us.

A brief history.

In 2003, we began specialising in calendar production in small volumes. Since then we have grown to become a calendar producer with proven experience and technical expertise. We perform all technical post-processing of calendars in-house, ensuring quality and customer proximity.