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Mi 12 Mär
Varius Line

Varius Line

Small office? This slim, modern promotional calendar has a lot of space for entering appointments, as well as the compact and clearly-arranged calendar. The date bracket is included.


Calendar German 4-language D/GB/F/E
  • German public holidays in detail
  • Non-nationwide public holidays 65% shading
  • Identification of standard national public holidays for A/B/CH/D/GB/E/F/I/NL/PL/RUS
  • Calendar block with tear-off perforations
  • 12 month sheets each with 3 months at a glance
  • Advertising printing on the head flap
  • Red, pre-mounted date indicator, special colours on request


Format 11,5 x 57,5 cm open
11,5 x 46,5 cm Calendar block
Shipping format 11,5 x 47,0 cm
Advertising printing 11,5 x 12 cm
Bleed 3 mm circumference
Printing process Digital or offset printing
Paper Offset printing:
Calendar block 80 g/m² Offset printing paper
Top flap coated FBB board (GC)
Block back 300 g/m² grey cardboard
Digital printing:
Calendar block 80 g/m² Offset printing paper
Top flap 300 g/m² coated SBS board (GZ)
Block back 300 g/m² grey cardboard

